Efficient lithium-air battery under development to speed electrification of vehicles Xianglin Li leads team with $1.5 million from ARPA-E for next-generation, high-energy battery
Feb 20 2:30 pm MEMS SEMINAR: Structural Human Cell-Derived Extracellular Matrix for Cardiovascular and Skin Tissue Regeneration at Stephen F. & Camilla T. Brauer Hall
Mar 27 2:30 pm MEMS Seminar: Hydrogen-Electric Technologies for Future Zero-Emissions Aviation at Stephen F. & Camilla T. Brauer Hall
May the force not be with you Amit Pathak’s lab turns conventional wisdom about forces in cell migration on its head. 01.09.2025
Center for Women’s Health Engineering to host Mini-Research Symposium One-day event to spotlight groundbreaking research. 12.20.2024
Just keep flying David Peters reaffirms century-old modern theory of lift, rests competing theory. 12.09.2024
Stoica selected for Prototypes for Humanity exhibition The McKelvey graduate student will present a project she developed in the lab of biologist Arpita Bose. 11.18.2024
Data processing at the speed of light Sang-Hoon Bae and Lan Yang receive NSF grant to overcome data processing bottleneck with integrated photonics. 11.14.2024
From hard science to science policy Alumna Sydnie Lieb uses her engineering knowledge to shape energy and climate public policy. 11.07.2024
Bayly to step down as chair of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science Philip V. Bayly will remain the Lee Hunter Distinguished Professor. 10.28.2024
Debilitating elbow contracture to get closer look aided by machine learning Spencer Lake’s lab to target post-traumatic joint contracture with $2.4 million grant. 10.04.2024